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First, the police will investigate. They may contact you, show up at your home or job, or obtain a search warrant.
If the police establish probable cause of the commission of a crime they will arrest you.
Alternatively, you may be indicted by a grand jury if probable cause is established.
After arrest, you will usually appear before a judge or magistrate within 24-48 hours of the arrest. This is usually called the initial appearance or arraignment. NOTE: If you're held for more than 48 hours without an initial appearance, the 4th amendment generally requires a judicial finding of probable cause.
If you were not indicted by a grand jury, the next court appearance may be a preliminary hearing depending on the circumstances of the case.
Next, the state and I will "hash" things out and try to reach an agreement. This is where the "lawyering" takes place. If the police or prosecution made an error in your case, I will find it.
If you are not 100% satisfied with the outcome, the case may be taken to trial.
The Criminal Process in Ohio
Potential Criminal Penalties