If we cannot resolve the matter with a favorable outcome, you have the option of taking the case to trial.
There are two types of trials with the first being a bench trial. A bench trial is a trial in front of the judge rather than a jury. A jury trial is a trial in front of a group of (12) members of the community.
Steps in a criminal trial:
Voir Dire (Jury Selection)
This is the first stage in a criminal jury trial. The prosecutor and defense attorney go through a process known as voir dire, in which a large pool of jurors is narrowed to 12. ​
Opening statements
At this stage both the prosecutor and defense attorney will ​set forth their version of the case and what they intend to prove during the trial.
Direct and cross examination of witnesses
After opening statements, both the prosecution and defense attorney will introduce their witnesses. After each witness has given their testimony, the opposing party will have the opportunity to cross-examine them.​
Closing arguments​​​​
After direct and cross examination, the prosecution and defense attorney will have an opportunity to give closing remarks. This is where each side will reiterate their case and that the other side did not set forth a case. ​
Jury deliberation
After closing arguments, the jury will be given jury instructions and dismissed to deliberate. ​In a criminal case, all 12 jurors must unanimously agree as to a defendant's guilt.